'Filth''s teaser poster instantly provides us with a good impression of what to expect when the film releases in cinemas later this year. The taglines at the very top of the image states 'It's a filthy job getting to the top, but somebody's got to do it'. The highly stylised image below is visual depiction of said statement, with James McAvoy's character shown climbing a set of stairs represented by a series of lines of cocaine. The line that is in closest proximity to the character's face is only half remaining - the obvious conclusion that can be made is that it has been snorted, suggesting he is a drug addict or at least a casual user of hard drugs. While his pose is supposedly as if he were climbing a ladder it also looks, in a way, as if he has collapsed on 'the way up to the top' and perhaps in the film has an overdose.
The overall design of the poster is very bold and simplistic. There is a strict colour scheme of blue and yellow which (as you should have learnt in Art class at primary school) are complimentary colours, which is conformed to even in the clothing of the character, whose is wearing a blue jacket and tobacco coloured chino trousers. The tagline, James McAvoy's credit and the film's title are all presented in a bold yellow sans-serif font, and the latter is preceded by a hashtag symbol. This is an indication that the designers of the poster are recognising that Twitter has a huge worldwide user-base and therefore is the best way to promote the film online. It is assumed that people that see the poster, then like what they see, might post a tweet with the #FILTH, therefore aiding promotion and generating a wider demographic of people who could potentially see the film.