29 December 2013

Initial Dialogue Script

Below is the (very cheesy) planned dialogue and narration that will accompany the trailer. Obviously lines will change or be removed once we enter the recording stages and decide what fits best or sounds more appropriate.

THORNE: "I knew a man...a long time ago... he stood up...he fought for those worth dying for..."
RICK: "What happened to him?"
THORNE: "That man is dead...he's not coming back...after all this time I haven't the strength to be part of this fight anymore..."


DAVIDSON: "Lucas Thorne...it's time to wake up...get yourself back in the game"
THORNE: "What would you have me do?"

ROTHEN: "Find it"
GATES: "I've never seen anything like this...it's all connected!"

DAVIDSON: "The weapon has been compromised...OSIRIS is unbound"

ROTHEN: "Shall we begin?"


ROTHEN: "“In all my years I've never met another so alike…we’re both destined for the same hell…just I’m willing to watch the world crumble along the way”


THORNE: "It was never supposed to end like this"
DAVIDSON: "I gave you my word...I would stand by your side...
THORNE: "...until the end"


RICK: "If we're gonna go, we have to go now!"
THORNE: "I must be the one to finish this!"


ROTHEN: "Your honour...valour...strength...what have they amounted to? ...nothing.

ROTHEN: "I am a god!" :P

O S I R I S   U N B O U N D

"Oh my god!"
"I trusted you!" 

19 December 2013

Poster Prototype

Below is a very early basic conceptual design for the film's poster - using a photograph shot for practice purposes. It is highly unlikely that this design will be used (though elements may be incorporated) as we feel that a more natural and less 'collage' type poster will be better suited to our film but nevertheless we wanted to show you our various stages of design. The proper photo-shoot - and ultimate designs - will be available in the coming weeks. 

12 December 2013

Shot List

The rough list of shots to film, as seen in the storyboard animatic:

- Establishing shot of landscape.
- Wide shot of Thorne
- Wide shot of silhouetted figure in forest
- Wide shot of ruined abbey.
- Shot of Thorne in shower.
- Shot of Thorne in corn fields.
- Enigma Entertainment logo appears.
- Shot of balaclava mercenaries capturing Thorne.
- Agent Davidson opens car boot.
- Wide shot of Rothen in forest.
- Two shot of Rothen and Zubasu.
- Anke appears briefly on screen.
- Close up of Zubasu.
- Close up of Davidson loading gun.
- Close up of Ricky on computer.
- Extreme close up of Thorne with gun.
- Mid shot of Thorne with knife.
- Mid shot of Zubasu with gun in Highgate Cemetery.
- Wide shot of Thorne and Rothen on a suspended log with Thorne holding a gun.
- Close up of Thorne with gun pointing at Rothen.
- Close up of Rothen with a gun in his face.
- 'This Year' appears on screen.
- Shot of car driving towards man with gun.
- 'From Nicholas Ashurst and Philip Smith' appears on screen.
- Mid shot of Thorne with hands up.
- 'The Acclaimed Directors of Sins of the Martyr' appears on screen.
- Shot of Thorne holding Davidson's body.
- 'Nicholas Ashurst' appears on screen.
- Close up of Davidson with many gunmen behind him.
- 'James Richardson' appears on screen.
- Fast paced montage of action shots.
- Close up of Thorne lying behind a log.
- Close up of Thorne and Rothen's looking into each others' eyes.
- 'Osiris Unbound'
- 'Coming Soon'

1 December 2013

Preparing the Music for OSIRIS UNBOUND

Early on in the development of our sophomore motion picture we made the conscious choice to reunite with our 'resident' composer James Richardson, notable for his elongated fingers perfect for playing the piano and of course his elongated chin. His work on our film last year was acclaimed and so there was no other option than to request his input once again.

The key difference this time, however, is that the music has been composed prior to shooting of the trailer. This was done for a number of reasons. Firstly, to speed up the post-production process (as last year the opening was already edited and there was somewhat of a rush for our composer to come up with a soundtrack) and to provide inspiration for our shots and editing - as with trailers the use of music is key in establishing and maintaining the pace of the action. We asked James to use the same sort of style he had done so well previously but also to experiment with other ideas.
Below is the initial demo for the trailer soundtrack, which we were very pleased with. We have, however, requested the reworking of some parts in order to fit our envisioned structure of the trailer. The last part of the music will also have to be faster paced though this could be easily achieved with added percussion and strings. We also intend to utilise the musical skills of some of our other cast members such as Lee Davidson who is a master of the guitar and Richard Young, who is efficient on the drums.

Initial Soundtrack Demo by composer James Richardson