We we embarked upon this project, we were determined to make our film appear as authentic and large scale as possible so it was important that this was reflected in the trailer with a wide range of locations. The length we went to is evident in the above shot - which shows an Australian coast side - as it is highly visually aesthetic and suggests that the film was on a bigger budget than it actually was. This particular shot, representative of the calm before the storm, was placed very early on to set a precedent for the rest of the trailer - which features even more locations - though we knew the beginning of the trailer had to have some of our 'money shots' to ensure the audience is fully engaged and captivated at the 'scale' of our operation. While in our previous film Sins of the Martyr we relied on London landmarks and British iconography this time we felt the cast was our major draw and this is only aided by the wide variety of settings and locales.