We identified a common issue with many of today's trailers - they simply show too much, losing the sense of intrigue and wonder that a trailer should instill in an audience member. Thus in the vein of such trailers as the one for The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo we maintained a constant sense of pace throughout by cutting between scenes from all the film, thus avoiding issues of continuity, though as seen in the above frames in some cases there are extended sequences (albeit lasting only for several seconds). This quick succession of three shots, showing the viewpoints of both protagonist and antagonist, preceded by a wide shot establishing the situation they are in, acts as the climax for the middle point of the trailer before the extended montage of action shots ensues. This sequence is very important as it establishes the conflict between the two characters that is at the heart of the movie - and the final shot, a low angle of James Richardson reinforces the notion that he is a character to be reckoned with,